Take care of business and get back to life with LawAssure

Family smiling in kitchen
Family smiling in kitchen

It’s easy to put off tasks that we might think are a bit daunting. But LawAssure can help you easily knock those jobs off your to-do list so you can get back to doing what matters most to you and your family.

What’s LawAssure?

LawAssure is a complimentary online documentation preparation service just for Foresters members. It’s your secret weapon for creating important legal documents you should have in place if you want to protect your legacy and your family.

What customized documents can I create?

Legal documents are tailored to your geography and local jurisdiction. Documents such as wills, powers of attorney and/or healthcare directives are accessible and customizable according to your needs.

Why should I use LawAssure?

  • It’s complimentary for Foresters members. Simply access LawAssure through MyForesters.com.
  • It’s easy to use. Just answer questions about your specific circumstances, and the tool will auto-fill your document based on your responses. There are even helpful prompts in case you need any assistance.
  • It’s convenient. We know time is precious. But sometimes you have to squeeze things into your schedule when you can. You can access LawAssure from the comfort of your own home whenever it’s convenient for you.
  • You’ll rest easy. Knowing you’ve done something important to protect your family in the future will give you so much peace of mind today.

There’s really no excuse to put it off any longer! Get it done and off your plate by checking out LawAssure today.


Description of member benefits that you may receive assumes you are a Foresters member.  Foresters Financial member benefits are non-contractual, subject to benefit specific eligibility requirements, definitions and limitations and may be changed or cancelled without notice or are no longer available.

LawAssure is provided by Epoq, Inc. Epoq is an independent service provider and is not affiliated with Foresters. Some features may not be available based on your jurisdiction. LawAssure not available in the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. LawAssure is not a legal service or legal advice and is not a substitute for legal advice or services of a lawyer.

Foresters Financial, its employees and life insurance representatives, do not provide, on Foresters behalf, legal, estate or tax advice.

422281 US/CAN (08/23)

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